How to Set Up & Use Your Time Lapse Camera for Outdoor Construction


Spectur camera systems can deliver active crime deterrence, live remote viewing and crystal clear surveillance for your construction sites – but there’s also another advantage. At the same time these functions are running, you can also easily produce professional time lapse videos to suit a variety of management, documentation and marketing purposes. So how do […]

Comparing the Best Cameras for the Construction Industry


Construction site cameras can help you manage progress, oversee onsite safety, deter would-be criminals and even monitor deliveries. But how can you be sure you’re making the right choice as you invest in a new camera system?You may be looking for a system to: · Capture time lapse for marketing or management · Review onsite […]

5 Construction Site Issues That Solar Surveillance Cameras Can Solve


You might have noticed more and more solar surveillance solutions overlooking construction sites in your local area lately. There’s a great reason for this – in fact, there are several. A solar powered construction camera can solve or ease a number of common frustrations that construction companies and project managers experience. These issues include: How […]

How Time Lapse Video Can Help You Win New Construction Projects


Time lapse video captures discrete images from the same perspective over an extended period of time and compiles this imagery into a short video that can be observed within a few minutes. It’s now really simple and affordable to install solar powered, remotely connected outdoor camera systems on your sites to capture high-quality vision. So […]

4 Key Reasons to Time-Lapse Your Construction Projects


The new standard feature on many development projects is the construction time-lapse camera. Australia-wide, time-lapse photography is capturing urban growth and tracking city developments for both corporate and public observation. But why is this the case? How does time-lapse actually benefit a construction business? Here, we cover four of the key benefits and how to […]

4 Security Risks That Can Threaten Each Residential Build


Ever had theft on your home building site? Residential construction can pose all the security risks of commercial construction, but often without the same level of protection. It’s rarely justifiable to hire security guards or install tall perimeter fences for these smaller, shorter jobs, yet it’s estimated that 39% of building companies in Australia have […]

Security Issues in The Melbourne Construction Industry


Melbourne Construction Sites Are Fertile Ground For Theft. As we creep into the last quarter, Melbourne contractors on both residential and industrial construction sites are bracing themselves for equipment and fitting theft to rise. Reports are worrying many in the Melbourne construction business with some claiming the industry is facing multi-million dollar annual losses. The […]

Invisible Theft: The Reason Why You Need Security Cameras


People often mistakenly assume that site crime is a night time activity. They believe this is the core reason they need to invest in security cameras. This is one of the biggest myths about site theft. People imagine random criminals entering your site after hours to steal valuable items. Lucrative items like copper wiring, building […]

How You Can Actively Protect Your Construction Site


Excluding the $1,000 “banger” that your neighbour’s kid owns, how many people do you know that own a car, but don’t bother to insure it? In Australia (in 2017) it was less than 15%. For those gamblers and the rest of us, the likelihood of a vehicle accident (ignoring theft, etc) was under 2%. In […]